Getting a Job in Nigeria Without Connection | Tips and Guide 2022

Getting a Job in Nigeria

Getting a Job in Nigeria Without Connection | Tips and Guide 2022 – This will guide you on how you can secure your dream job in Nigeria without having any form of connection. Carefully read through, and i hope this helps.

Let’s quickly talk about “Getting a job in Nigeria” but before that, we previously published an article on How to Apply For a Job in Nigeria | 2022 Guide for Job Seekers, you may also check it out.

Getting a job in Nigeria.

Getting that dream job in Nigeria is quite hard and not as simple as many thought, but there are things to consider doing in order to make easy for you as graduate in Nigeria to secure that well paying job in Nigeria without having a connection.

Things to consider while looking for Jobs in Nigeria;

    1. Your Qualification
    2. Your Skills
    3. Your Experience and many other qualities.

Qualification for Getting a Job in Nigeria.

Before applying for any job in Nigeria, first of all make sure you read the company, firm or agency’s requirement for the advertised position and be sure you meet the requirement for the job before applying as this is one of the common reasons you might not be getting employment for that job you have been applying to.


As a graduate seeking employment, one of the ways to make things easy for your job hunt is to get a skill, Having a skill beside your certificates is very essential in today’s society.

These are some common skills you should consider acquiring or learning;

    • Public Speaking
    • Writing
    • Photography
    • Website Design / Development
    • Graphic Design
    • AI
    • Computer Programming
    • Learn New Languages
    • Social Media Marketing, and so on.

The list is endless, just find something you will love and get busy with it, master it and make it your skill, most companies look at your skill aside your certificates, so don’t just depend on that Degree alone.

Work Experience.

Many companies out there willing to employ you would prefer you have a past working experience, getting a skill will help too.

Many companies have internships going on, this might be a good opportunity for you as a job seeker to get some kind of work experience that could boost your CV and help you in getting that dream job without any form of connection.

Write a Good CV (Curriculum Vitae).

Write a good Curriculum Vitae that will catch your employer’s attention. Having a well formatted CV helps a lot in getting that job you applied for.

Let me remind you again that skill is very important in your CV, so when writing your CV make sure you include things like Work Experience, Skills, Qualification and the things you love doing.

Also get Good References as it is also an important factor in getting a good job without having connection or paying anyone to secure the job.

Going for Interviews.

Be prepared and ready for interview at any time for any Job you applied to, don’t wait till you are contacted to go for interview before running up and down in preparation for it, you may end up not getting that job without proper interview preparation.

Make findings and know more about where you are looking for a job (the company, firm or agency) will also help in getting the job without necessarily having connection.

Conclusion: Don’t only work with what you read here, be ready to explore your own personal experience and do something that could boost your chances of getting a Job without connection in Nigeria. Make sure to check our blog homepage and subscribe or register on our website for regular updates and career tips. See ongoing Recruitments Here

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